Friday, May 30, 2003

Customizing Debugging Output

In ColdFusion MX you can customize the debugging output by editing or adding files to the wwwroot/WEB-INF/debug directory. I modified the dockable.cfm file so the window with debugging information would not pop up automatically by commenting out line 229. You can also add your own file to the directory and it will show up in the CF administrator as a debugging type.


Nathan adds the following:

I modified the classic debugger a while ago to cfdump the queries. It's proven to be a great addition to my arsenal. Here's how: classic.cfm, line 438, after the line with cfdebug_queries.body, add this:

<cfif CFDEBUG_QUERIES.result[currentrow].recordcount LT 500>
   <cfdump var="#CFDEBUG_QUERIES.result[currentrow]#" label="Results For" />
   Too many results to print

I moved this from the comments section to the post because its much easier to read here.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Go to MIT for Free

MIT is publishing course material online at its MIT Open Courseware web site. One relevant course is the Laboratory in Software Engineering. The good stuff is under Lecture Notes where you can find PDF documents containing the lectures (including design patterns, case studies, and the concepts/fundamentals of Software Engineering). These aren't outlines, they read like a book almost. You can find a complete list of courses here.

I'm Back

I've been out of town quite a bit this month, thus the absence of posts. In the beginning of the month I was at the ColdFusion Cruise-n-Learn, it was a great time - I look forward to the next one (word has it that it will be leaving from the west cost, and possibly going to Alaska). Feedback from this cruise was great, the attendies actually did learn a lot, and it wasn't just a week of vacation so tell your boss, and sign up next year.

I was also hiking Mt. Marcy this weekend, which has nothing to do with ColdFusion, but it concluded my excersions this month. So I'll be back to normal for a while I think.